How the heck does a computer work?
Intricate but simple.
Computers are intricate machines but the way they work is simple.
You type into the keyboard. What you type ends up on the screen. You go to a website and the website ends up on the screen.
In the background there’s a ton of things happening, you’re unaware happening.
After today you’ll understand what’s happening in the background.
What is in a computer?
For a computer to run you need a motherboard, CPU (central processing unit), Random access memory (RAM), power supply, and a GPU (graphic processing unit).
For a computer to power on you don’t need a GPU (also known as a video card) but you need the GPU to see something on the monitor.
How does this all connect?
A computer is very similar to your body’s nervous system. Your senses (vision, smell, taste, and touch) tell your brain to do something. Your brain then activates something else like your leg to move or turning you head.
For a computer, the words typed using the keyboard is like your senses. This input goes through the motherboard. The motherboard is like your body’s nervous system. It connects everything together.