3 Ways You Can Prevent Writer’s Block

Chad Underwood
2 min readFeb 10, 2022

Writer’s block is something every writer goes through.

You read article after article detailing a writers struggle with coming up with something to write. You’ve dealt with writers block yourself. You sit down in front of a blank screen or notebook and nothing comes to you. You sit for 30 minutes and decide you have writers block.

You don’t have writer’s block. You’re unprepared.

Writer’s Block is a lie

A notebook with hundreds of ideas will give you at least one thing to write.

Good ideas pop up all the time not only when you’re sitting and ready to write. When I first started creating content, I struggled. I would sit down to write and I had nothing. Writer’s block was my arch nemesis. I found myself frustrated and ready to quit.

It’s easy to fall into this trap. You think it’s okay because other people experienced writers block.

Keep a log of ideas to write

Be mindful of everything you read, watch, or listen to for inspiration and jot those inspirations down.

Digital or analog doesn’t matter. I use Roam. Another person said she uses a spreadsheet.

The format doesn’t matter. It is important to use these notes for inspiration or connecting the dots between subjects.

Make sure you are taking adequate notes. When the thought is fresh write down everything in…



Chad Underwood

American writer sharing experiences in life, writing, technology, and content creation.